[vorbis-dev] Parallelism

Chris Hanson cmh at bDistributed.com
Fri Aug 18 14:13:08 PDT 2000

I think a better solution to parallelism is to just make sure the 
library is reentrant and let developers implement parallelism at a 
higher level.

If you desperately want some sort of portable parallelism within the 
implementation, I suggest wrapping it up in an abstraction layer 
which can use POSIX threads, MPI, or the native threading interfaces 
on Windows and Macintosh.

Another suggestion:  Be careful what you do in the threads.  MacOS in 
particular has restrictions on what threads can and cannot do.  For 
instance, a preemptive Multiprocessing Services thread can only make 
certain types of File Manager and Multiprocessing Services calls; I 
don't even think it can allocate memory.

Christopher M. Hanson
bDistributed.com, Inc.
cmh at bDistributed.com

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