[vorbis-dev] Problems with Vorbis & Mac OS

Chris Hanson cmh at bDistributed.com
Fri Aug 18 09:14:28 PDT 2000

At 10:31 PM +1000 8/18/00, Philip Derrin wrote:
>The line endings conversion might have been the problem. I got it to 
>work about ten minutes ago, by using Quicktime to read the data 
>instead of fread(). It does seem pretty strange for fread() to be 
>doing cr/lf translation, since it's meant for reading binary data... 
>but I can't think of any other possible causes.

In CodeWarrior for MacOS, fread() will do linefeed to carriage return 
translation if either (A) you did not fopen() the file with "b" in 
the mode or (B) you are not using the "(NL)" version of the MSL C 

You should really avoid the Standard C Library on MacOS if at all 
possible.  Standard C assumes everybody uses paths to specify files 
and it assumes that files are solely streams of bytes.  Neither of 
these assumptions is true on MacOS.

Also, are you using the source code from CVS to build your QuickTime 
plug-in, or are you using the shared library?  I strongly recommend 
linking your QuickTime component against the shared library rather 
than simply building in the libVorbis code.

   -- Chris

Christopher M. Hanson
bDistributed.com, Inc.
cmh at bDistributed.com

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