[Video at Xiph] [theora] OGG Theora streaming

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Aug 10 09:44:15 PDT 2011

On 06/26/2011 09:44 AM, WCI Peter Lewis wrote:
> We are a online media company and are developing a new product that uses
> theora for video streaming.


> We used your free Visonair OGG streamer to
> test and it worked perfect .

We are the producers of Ogg and Theora, but not of Visionair.  Visionair
is developed by a third party (actually, I don't even know what person or
company is responsible for Visionair).

> We would like to find out if your experts can
> help us complete our OGG streamer software. We are able to connect to
> icecast but the stream is unstable and buffers 90% of the time. We just
> need to get the streaming to the point where it is streaming smoothly with
> very little buffering .

This sounds like a problem with Visionair.  You should consider contacting
them for assistance.


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