[Tremor] Passing Ogg stream without first header

Timothy B. Terriberry tterribe at xiph.org
Tue Oct 9 05:15:12 PDT 2012

rohan kasat wrote:
> What changes internally , should i make in the Tremor code so that the
> thing i want works ?

If you know what the contents of those 100 bytes are (e.g., you have a 
bunch of files where they are the same and you're trying to share them 
or something like that), you can make a data source that returns them by 
implementing the callbacks in ov_callbacks to do so (if you don't want 
to seek, you can just pass that data in using the "initial" parameter to 
ov_open/ov_open_callbacks). You shouldn't need to modify the Tremor code.

If you don't know what was in those 100 bytes, there is no modification 
of the Tremor code that will make things work.

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