[Tremor] Notes on Implementing Tremor on an ARM7TDMI CPU

Andrew Lentvorski bsder at allcaps.org
Sat Dec 6 15:25:56 PST 2008

Nicholas Vinen wrote:
> Andrew Lentvorski wrote:

>> It would be useful to actually *know* where it's spending all its
>> time.  Can you run this under a simulator?
> Yes, it would. I'd like to use a simulator, the main problem is I'd
> likely have to modify the code since I doubt the simulator will simulate
> the peripherals etc. I don't know where to get a simulator. I assume
> they exist...

You might want to slow down a bit.

You're missing the details and implications in some of these posts.

I pointed you at a simulator, but I guess I wasn't clear enough.  It's 
called Skyeye:

It claims to support the specific chip you're using.  You may still have 
to twiddle with some things, but, if you're really taking 20 minutes per 
load on real hardware, the cost/benefit is going to be in your favor for 
even quite a bit of time spent on skyeye.


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