[Tremor] Hi !!!

Dattaguru B.N. dattagurubn at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 00:14:46 PDT 2006

Hi Experts,

I am new to Tremor mailing list. I have few queries.
1.  Current implementation by Tremor by handling the
arguments is by using stdin and stdout.  This may
create problems in debugging in MSVC environment.  Is
there other application available wherein arguments
are taken as files directly?

2.  Are there any bitstreams available for

3.  Is there any complaince defined?  If not, how can
we evaluate our decoder?  If yes, Is there any
document available for the same?

4.  Is the tremor code directly portable to platforms
such as ARM?

5.  Is there any bench marks for Memory and CPU
measurements?  Where can I find the same?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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