[Tremor] runtime-generated lookup tables

Oliver Lange bloody at bloody.in-berlin.de
Wed Mar 8 14:34:03 PST 2006

> If you look into libvorbis you'll find the code to create those tables 
> since libvorbis initializes those tables dynamically.  Just add the 
> appropriate scalling for the fixed point value (make sure not to 
> overflow) and there you go.

Hmmm i only got libvorbis-1.1.2, where the window tables are
pre-defined in lib/window.c. I was searching for "vwin" through
the whole project (all and every file) but found no reference
except for the code which applies from the computed table.
Must be an older libvorbis version ? Or the computing function
is putting the results to somewhere else than "vwin" ?



Oliver 'Bloody' Lange.

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