[Tremor] Memory/performance requirements on a Arm 7 processor.

tom abcd tom.abcd at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 07:50:14 PST 2006

I am looking at using Tremor Low memory decoder on my Philips LPC2138
Arm 7 processor and want to know how much Ram/Flash and performance it
takes to run.

My processor is running at 60 MHZ/50 MIPs (according to the docs)  has
512KB flash (I have used 100K thus far) and 32 KB ram (20 KB is
available to the Tremor decode).

This will be a closed system as I control the sound files that will be
played.  (This is an announcement system for elevators to give speech
and music at different times in the elevator ride.)  So far I have
Speex running but am concerned if I can get reasonable quality (mono
only at 16 or 32 Khz)  if there is need for music instead of speech so
I am looking at adding support for Tremor.

I just want to know if this is likely to work before spending the time
to try get tremor runnig on my system.

Also how can I search the Tremor mailing list archives?


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