[Tremor] Tremor framing...

Michael Smith mlrsmith at gmail.com
Fri May 6 04:41:27 PDT 2005

On 5/5/05, Binh Ta Quang <binhtq at cybersoft-vn.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I see that the Tremor's framing and other Ogg/Vorbis lib's framing are
> different! 
> Are there anyone can point me: 
> -          which one use least memory resource required by framing?
> -          Which one is faster when execute framing? 
> -          Why the differences?

An alternative implementation of the ogg framing (called "libogg2")
was developed for tremor, because it uses far less memory - which is
important in places that tremor is used, and only rarely in places
that the main libvorbis implementation is used. However, there are
plans to switch libvorbis to use the libogg2 implementation (as it can
provide some speed advantages too, due to doing less copying).


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