[Tremor] re:example decoder.

Michael Smith mlrsmith at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 16:58:13 PST 2005

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 19:06:40 +0530, Dhanabal <dhanapalb at gmail.com> wrote:
> what is the input file for the example code? i have built the code and have
> given an ogg file as input but the code hangs during execution.It hangs
> while reading the file. 

The example code reads from stdin and writes to stdout. If you don't
give it any input on stdin, it'll look like it's hung (but it's
actually just blocking on stdin).

You'll want to run it something like this:

./ivorbisfile_example < in.ogg > out.raw

The output is just the raw PCM data (no headers), so if you want to
play it, you'll probably need to throw some headers on it. It's 16 bit
signed samples, at whatever sample rate and number of channels the
input file is.


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