[Tremor] re:build

Michael Smith mlrsmith at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 01:24:39 PST 2005

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 14:15:44 +0530, Dhanabal <dhanapalb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi 
>   What are the tools required for building the tremor code? Is the tremor
> code constructed for arm processor? If yes, what might be the changes that i
> need to take care in case of any other dsp processor? 

The "out of the box" requirements are probably for gcc (targetted at a
byte-addressable architecture). The requirement for that particular
compiler isn't deep - if you needed to get it running with some other
compiler, I wouldn't expect it to be more than a couple of hours work.

You'll also need the autotools (automake and autoconf) to build it
as-is. Again, that's a requirement that is very easy to remove if you
need to (just create the appropriate makefiles or other project files
for your environment). Tremor is designed to be highly portable and
easy to get running almost anywhere.

Tremor includes some assembly optimisations for ARM, but those are
entirely optional - if you're targetting something else, you can just
use the generic C implementation. Obviously, optimising some of those
routines with assembly for your target could be useful, but wouldn't
be neccesary in the first pass.

If you have a DSP that isn't byte addressable (I think this was
originally done for one of the TI chips), there's a tremor branch that
works for that. You might also want to look at the lowmem branch (or
you might already be doing that) if your target has small amounts of
memory (the lowmem branch requires a little more cpu, but requires
extremely little ram compared to the mainline version).


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