[tremor] Initial Embedded Visual Studio attempt.

Firelight Technologies support at fmod.org
Thu Sep 26 21:24:34 PDT 2002

As there is no .vcp (evc project) I made one and just slapped all the
source files in.  It didn't work straight away due to the following

1. endian.h doesn't exist in evc.  I don't know what to say about that
except I commented it out and hacked in my own #defines to set the
endian etc.

2. It fails to compile on calls to qsort because of the calling
convention evc requires on these libraries is cdecl and the library
seems to default to stdcall. 
I had to add _cdecl in front of 2 functions, ie 
static int _cdecl sort32a(const void *a,const void *b){
static int _cdecl icomp(const void *a,const void *b){
Maybe this could be a #define

3. errno.h doesn't exist in evc.  I had to this to get it to compile.
Also if I didn't take this line out the ogg wouldn't open.
//    if(bytes==0 && errno) return(-1);
Isnt this for stdio error checks?  for file access (im using ov
callbacks anyway), the better solution would be to just check the return
value of read or open or whatever and fail regardless if it returns an
error?  (knowing exactly what it isn't going to do much)

#3 probably aint good, but it does work now. (and sounds good so far!).

Oh and I'm getting a lot of type size mismatch warnings due to longs..
why are these used instead of int?  
I fear them especially when I come to port this onto the ps2 because
longs are all emulated 64bit ints (function calls) and bring projects to
their knees because they are so slow.

<p>Brett Paterson
CEO / Lead Programmer.
Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.
FMOD SoundSystem

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-vorbis-dev at xiph.org [mailto:owner-vorbis-dev at xiph.org] On
> Behalf Of Tor-Einar Jarnbjo
> Sent: Friday, 27 September 2002 12:52 AM
> To: vorbis-dev at xiph.org
> Subject: [vorbis-dev] Positioning in an ogg file
> Hi,
> is it somehow possible to locate the start of the first vorbis packet
> in an ogg page (Px) without reading backwards to find the last "fresh"
> ogg page and parse the vorbis stream from there until reaching Px?
> Tor
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