AW: [tremor] try to run tremor sample using VC++6

Michael Smith msmith at
Tue Nov 26 06:17:54 PST 2002

At 08:21 PM 24/11/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi John,
>I use the snapshot provided on the homepage.
>So I think it is a actual version. 
>>ov_open calls ov_open1, then returns ov_open2
>It looks the same with my version.
>Up to now I haven't realy understood whats going on anyway,
>but it seems that reading and analysing the header of the 
>data file  (*.ogg) doesn't work.

Are you _absolutely_ sure that you're opening the file in binary
mode? This sounds precisely like what you'd expect to see if you


<p>--- >8 ----
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