<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello,</div><div><br></div><div>Just a quick answer to few remarks I had.</div>
That's right that I keep saying:"this new version has a better neatness
and a better precision...", and this is very subjective and completely
vague.So objectively, you can for example measure neatness with my
neatness metrics and you can measure precision with PSNR or SSIM.You'll
then understand that I completely develop for neatness and not for
precision, which is not mainstream/recognized.<br>
Some people also told me that since 2007, as NHW never interested
anybody, why I did not abandon this project? In fact since 2009, NHW is
completely just a spare time hobby.You can notice for example that
since 2 years I am focusing on the pre_processing, but you can clearly
see that I am extremely lazy because clearly all these improvements if
they have been considered seriously could have been done in 1 or 2
weeks, and not so lazily in more than 2 years... More generally, I
think if I had worked seriously on NHW, the latest 0.2.2 version really
could have been done in 2010 or 2011... So in the end, it's also hard
to accept all these years lost because I couldn't work profesionnaly on
NHW but just on my very few spare time.<br>
Currently, I am still ultra lazy at NHW and I hope I will keep the pace
of 6 months for a new improved version, if it could be useful to the
few people who follow my work/updates.<br>