<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello,</div><div><br></div>
Just a quick message, I have fixed a bug in the last version of NHW
because there could be a segmentation fault for some images.Sorry for
the error.<br>
Correction and update on my demo page: <a href="http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/</a><br>
Else very quickly I find that this last version has now a good balance
between neatness and precision, and I find this visually pleasant, and
more and more interesting, I am currently comparing with AVIF.I'll try
to improve this again, but for example I have a processing that improves
again precision but now it starts to decrease neatness, and so I find
results less interesting... Neatness is still the main advantage of NHW I
want to preserve.<br>
Also I am (visually) comparing with avifenc with -s 0 setting: slowest
speed/best quality, but ultra-optimized (multi-threading, SIMD,...) AVIF
-s 0 then takes in average 15s to encode an image on my computer,
whereas totally unoptimized NHW takes 30ms to encode that same image!...
So extremely fast speed is also an advantage of NHW!<br>