<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello,</div>
Very sorry I made a mistake, I compared this version with an old one,
not with the previous one, and in fact results are the same, there is no
improvement actually...<img src="https://encode.ru/images/smilies/frown.gif" alt="" title="Frown" class="gmail-inlineimg" border="0"><br>
Else I would like to have your opinion on how to have more visibility,
audience for the NHW Project.I suspect that big companies don't even
know that the NHW Project exists or they didn't test it because it seems
too "amateur" for them... But again according to my tests, I find the
NHW Project visually more pleasant than x265 (HEVC), it is royalty-free
and it is at least 50x faster than x265 (optimized HEVC)!<br>
Somebody told me that it would be good if I could present the NHW
Project at conferences like FOMS 2018, FOSDEM, VideoLAN Dev Days,...
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend these conferences myself, but if
some of you, who have good knowledge of codecs domain, want to become
member of the NHW Project and want to make a presentation of the codec
at these conferences, it would be great!!! For info, if our
presentation, work is selected, these conferences pay the airline ticket
and some also the accomodation.<br>
Short, if you think you can help the NHW Project, do not hesitate to show up!<br>
Many thanks!<br>