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I'm evaluating some video codecs for a online conference system. I'm
encoding images (640x480)<br>
from a webcam. I've been playing around with theora and xvid. <br>
First of all, using theora, the decoded image looks strange: <a
On the left side the image from the webcam, on the right side the image
from the <br>
webcam encoded, and then decoded using theora. As you can see there are
some strange <br>
colors overs there ( looks like edge detection <span
class="moz-smiley-s5"><span> :-D </span></span> ).<br>
Then I measured how long does it take for Theora to encode an image
(<i>th_encode_ycbcr_in</i> and <i><br>
th_encode_packetout</i> calls).<br>
int TIMER_t0 = GetTickCount();<br>
int ret = th_encode_ycbcr_in( (th_enc_ctx*)m_encoderHandler, ycbcr);<br>
ogg_packet op;<br>
th_encode_packetout((th_enc_ctx*)m_encoderHandler,0,&op)>0 <br>
int TIMER_t1 = GetTickCount();<br>
printf( "Timer : %d \n",TIMER_t1 - TIMER_t0 );<br>
On average: <b>80 ms</b>.<br>
Using XVID I've obtained between <b>20-25 ms</b> for an image.
That's 60ms longer using Theora.<br>
I don't know if I am doing something wrong while initializing the
encoder, or that's the way it <br>
supposed to be. The encoder initialization used by me can be found
here: <a href="http://integrasoft.ro/%7Emgliga/theora/comparison.png">http://integrasoft.ro/~mgliga/theora/theora_init.cpp</a><br>
Used hardware/software:<br>
Processor Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz, 2400
Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)<br>
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 2.00 GB<br>
OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ <br>
Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed.<br>
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Mircea Gliga