Hi<br><br>first I'm happy that theora 1.1 is almost complete.<br><br>I'm not a specialist in internals of video coding , still currently I'm involved in online video projects so I have a great interest in theora and it's future.<br>
<br>Here <a href="http://wiki.xiph.org/TheoraTodo#Theora_II" target="_blank">http://wiki.xiph.org/TheoraTodo#Theora_II</a> it is mentioned that there are ways to significantly improve theora. Are there plans for near future?<br>
<br>I tried to look at lapped transforms and found that really there are papers which seems are out of patent horizon <br><a href="http://signal.ece.utexas.edu/%7Equeiroz/papers/ei00flt.pdf" target="_blank">http://signal.ece.utexas.edu/~queiroz/papers/ei00flt.pdf</a><br>
<br>and could be used along with improvements in range coding.<br><br>But also found for example such approach - which seems can effectively use current infrastructure ( not sure on patents though - but it is possible to check ) .<br>
<br><a href="http://www2.computer.org/plugins/dl/pdf/proceedings/dcc/2008/3121/00/3121a532.pdf" target="_blank">http://www2.computer.org/plugins/dl/pdf/proceedings/dcc/2008/3121/00/3121a532.pdf</a><br>
<br>so will there be any discussions on what currently could be used for theora II or what is the current state on future plans ?<br><br>Best regards<br>Sergey<br>