hia, just found this mailing list and was wondering if i could ask here some help to understand why i get this error:<br><br>bash-3.1# ffmpeg2theora --v4l /dev/video0 --inputfps 15 -x 160 -y 128 -o t.ogg<br>No such file or directory
<br><br>File `' does not exist or has an unknown data format.
<br><br>im trying it via theorur but it also appears using plain command line.<br><br>my /dev/video0 works with freej and xawtv so is not the camera, that uses the pwc module.<br><br>what i´ve seen bizarre is that the activity led of the camera doesnt light up when called by ffmpeg2theora.
<br><br>is there a way to activate the camera or why is it failing to operate with ffmpeg2theora? i have done tests in slackware and gentoo.<br><br>im lost and have tried both ffpeg2theora 0.17 and 0.18<br><br>
any clue appreciated.<br>tx!<br><span class="sg">/a</span>