<DIV>Hi,</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I am currently interested in the sample "player_example.c". Can some body explain how I can change the (width and height) of the video which is to be rendered in the SDL frame. I tried it by changing the width and height of SDL stuff in the open_video() function source. </DIV> <DIV>void open_video(){</DIV> <DIV><BR> if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) {<BR> /*error*/<BR> exit(1);<BR> }</DIV> <DIV> screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(new_width,new_height, 0, SDL_NOFRAME | SDL_RESIZABLE );</DIV> <DIV> if ( screen == NULL ) {<BR> /*error*/<BR> exit(1);<BR> }</DIV> <DIV> yuv_overlay =
SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(new_width,new_height,<BR> SDL_YV12_OVERLAY,<BR> screen);<BR> if ( yuv_overlay == NULL ) {<BR> /*error*/<BR> exit(1);<BR> }<BR> rect.x = 0;<BR> rect.y = 0;<BR> rect.w = new_width;<BR> rect.h = new_height;</DIV> <DIV> SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(yuv_overlay, &rect);<BR>}</DIV> <DIV>But it didnt bring desired results for me ??All I know is that it uses height and width obtained by the theora decoding mechanism. Can some body explain how I can change
it to play videos with desired height and width??</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Thanks in advance,</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Seema Rao</DIV> <DIV> </DIV><p> 
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