[theora] NHW Project - some news

Raphael Canut nhwcodec at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 16:55:44 UTC 2020


Nice to post here again! I wanted to give you a quick update of the NHW
Project as I met great people on this forum.

It is one year that I did not work on the NHW Project.I however made from
time to time some visual comparison with other codecs on my spare time.

Based on my visual comparison tests and subjective opinion, I can confirm
that I still find the NHW Project visually more pleasant than other codecs
like AOM AV1, HEVC, x265, JPEG XL,... because it has more neatness, for
high quality to very high compression, up to -l13 quality setting for
now.-As I also told you (many times!...), the NHW Project is extremely fast
to encode/decode, a lot faster than these codecs, and is royalty-free.

Unfortunately what I can also confirm, is that the industry is definitely
not interested in the NHW Project (some major big companies still don't
want to evaluate/take a look at the NHW Project...)-: ).So now I am trying
to find niche use cases for my codec, and small companies/ecosystem that
could be interested in my work and that could support me to develop it into
something professional and deployable (like adapting the NHW Project to any
image size, quality/compression improvements,...).

If you would know such niche use cases and companies that could be
interested in the NHW Project, do not hesitate to let me know.

Any answer/feedback from the Theora community (if you have time) would be

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