[theora] x265 and NHW comparison images posted to https://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/?

Raphael Canut nhwcodec at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 18:36:33 UTC 2018

Hello Spork,

Thank you very much for your great help!

So ok, let's create a website for the NHW Project! Anyone who wants to help
is very welcome! Do you want we start first with wix.com or rather from
nearly scratch? I think from scratch would be better as we can really do
what we want, but it will be a lot and lot more difficult to make...

-I will send you a private email for the USB token.-


2018-07-16 19:29 GMT+02:00 <sporkschivago at gmail.com>:

> I am not good at website design yet, however, I do have some books I’ve
> purchased that I need to read that will allow me to create complex
> responsive websites (something we need for our new business).
> When we looked at hiring a company to create a website for us, with our
> requirements, we were looking at between 20,000$ - 50,000$ USD.   However,
> we need a much more complicated site than you I believe.
> There are free sites that can help you create a fairly nice looking
> website.   I believe wix.com offers some free templates, and then they
> offer paid ones.    If you want, we can setup a test site, that only you
> and the people helping you can see, until it’s ready.    However, to
> connect to our VPS, remember, we use high security, so we would need to
> mail you a “token” to access it, to upload the files.    We could send
> the stuff via email, however, I do not think that would be a good idea,
> because anyone that has the token would have access.
> If you want, please send me a private email with your mailing address, and
> I will mail you a USB token with instructions on how to access the site,
> how to upload files, etc.
> Your friend,
> Spork Schivago
> *From:* Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 15, 2018 6:51 PM
> *To:* Spork Schivago <sporkschivago at gmail.com>; theora <theora at xiph.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [theora] x265 and NHW comparison images posted to
> https://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/?
> Hello Spork,
> Yes, thank you so much to offer to host the NHW Project website on one of
> your VPSes for free!
> It would be so great to have a real website for the NHW Project."The
> problem" is that I don't have the skills to design and create a
> "professional-looking" website by myself...
> Is it expensive to create a website? Do some of you could make this?
> Any help to create the NHW Project website would be really great!!!
> Many thanks!
> Cheers,
> Raphael
> 2018-07-16 0:35 GMT+02:00 Spork Schivago <sporkschivago at gmail.com>:
> Also, don't forget the option I gave you Ralph, where you can have access
> to one of my VPSes.   We can create a subdomain for free, but if you want
> something like nhw.com, you'd have to register the domain name yourself,
> which wouldn't cost too much money.... Then I can help configure it to
> point to your page on my VPS.   I'll host it all for free.   You'll have
> your own user account and can edit the page as you see fit, upload images
> in any format, etc.
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2018, 6:26 PM J.B. Nicholson <jbn at forestfield.org> wrote:
> Raphael Canut wrote:
> > First I have added a link on my demo blog page to Google Drive for the
> > image comparison folder of NHW and x265 on rather good quality images.But
> > be sure, as soon as you have sent me a free alternative host, I will
> upload
> > there too!
> I recommend https://archive.org -- there you can make an account, create
> an
> "identifier" (a named folder for the data you want to upload,
> essentially),
> and upload the picture files. archive.org will handle zipping them
> together
> or letting a user download the images individually. None of this will cost
> you money, it's all available gratis, and downloading from there requires
> Javascript.
> You can also link from archive.org's files into your blog to inline the
> pictures if you wish. I suggest adding a link to the "download" URL for
> your identifier. The URL will look like the following:
>    https://archive.org/download/IDENTIFIER/FILENAME
> will be the pattern where you specify the identifier and filenames.
> I don't know what you edit when you blog, but if you edit HTML the minimal
> markup you can use is going to look like the following:
>    <img src="https://archive.org/download/IDENTIFIER/FILENAME" />
> If you wish you could also add extra attributes like alt, height, and
> width.
> Thanks!
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