[theora] x265 and NHW comparison images posted to https://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/?

Raphael Canut nhwcodec at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 22:39:05 UTC 2018

Ok, will upload to archive.org tomorrow and send link.

Many thanks!

2018-07-16 0:25 GMT+02:00 J.B. Nicholson <jbn at forestfield.org>:

> Raphael Canut wrote:
>> First I have added a link on my demo blog page to Google Drive for the
>> image comparison folder of NHW and x265 on rather good quality images.But
>> be sure, as soon as you have sent me a free alternative host, I will
>> upload
>> there too!
> I recommend https://archive.org -- there you can make an account, create
> an "identifier" (a named folder for the data you want to upload,
> essentially), and upload the picture files. archive.org will handle
> zipping them together or letting a user download the images individually.
> None of this will cost you money, it's all available gratis, and
> downloading from there requires Javascript.
> You can also link from archive.org's files into your blog to inline the
> pictures if you wish. I suggest adding a link to the "download" URL for
> your identifier. The URL will look like the following:
>   https://archive.org/download/IDENTIFIER/FILENAME
> will be the pattern where you specify the identifier and filenames.
> I don't know what you edit when you blog, but if you edit HTML the minimal
> markup you can use is going to look like the following:
>   <img src="https://archive.org/download/IDENTIFIER/FILENAME" />
> If you wish you could also add extra attributes like alt, height, and
> width.
> Thanks!
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