[theora] NHW codec - improvement of precision (Daniel Hendrycks)

Raphael Canut nhwcodec at gmail.com
Fri May 25 13:19:40 PDT 2012


Many thanks for your answer.

Yes, actually the improvements are very slight and hardly visible, I have
just tested this version on more images...

At first, I validated this version because there was a slight error in the
previous one, typically for "high luminosity" like white points in a black
background (like stars in a sky...), some of these points tend to
disappear, this version corrects it.

But for the improvement of precision, that's right that it is very very
slight, globally there is a little more precision on "low contrast details"
or "textured areas" (I will have to improve my codec on these areas, but it
is the most difficult, at my very humble level, my codec is certainly
better on neater parts).So I maybe posted a little quickly, the precision
improvement is hardly visible, and certainly even with an image comparison
it will be very hard to notice and illustrate it (not a major

I will have to spend more time and improve it, and make a detailed image
comparison (also showing the neatness aspect of my codec...).I am planning
to do it.Hope that it is ok? If you would have other suggestion or comment
about the codec, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Many thanks again,

2012/5/25 Daniel Hendrycks <kondo8 at hotmail.com>

> On Fri, 25 May 2012 14:00:01 -0500, <theora-request at xiph.org> wrote:
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 19:26:18 +0200
> > From: Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at gmail.com>
> > Subject: [theora] NHW codec - improvement of precision
> > To: theora at xiph.org
> > Message-ID:
> >       <CAKE58qHqSsrgJP4OX++eetMmT2WTv=
> 8ZvfXoou7bWjOnbUSrAQ at mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Just contact you quickly as I have improved precision of my codec (a
> > little) and I have updated my demo page: http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/
> > .This
> > version seems a little better.
> > I will also certainly have to do an image comparison with other codecs,
> > Google WebP for example, which has a very impressive precision, and to
> > show
> > that my codec would have less precision but maybe a little more neatness.
> >
> > Any comment would be really appreciated.
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Raphael
> Could you post screenshots of the improvements?
> --
> Daniel Hendrycks
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