[theora] ffmpeg2theora 0.28 released

dos386 dos386 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 04:58:29 PDT 2011

> ffmpeg2theora 0.28 released

Thank you :-)

Some suggestions (based on 0.27, no tests with 0.28 yet):

- Document prominently versions of used lib's (Theora, Vorbis, FFMPEG)
(versions of Theora and Vorbis can be peeked out with some effort,
FFMPEG is "top secret" ?)

- Better progress indicator (for example number of frames processed or
% of input file size)

- Better summary at end (total number of frames processed, broken
frames, time used for the work, source and dest file size)

- Merge FFMPEG2THEORA with FFMPEG2DIRAC (0.2.0 is out as fork of
FT0.27) and add support for FLAC output (optional, besides Vorbis)

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