[theora] As I've said before...

Tom Sparks tom_a_sparks at yahoo.com.au
Fri May 21 19:30:37 PDT 2010

from Remco remco47 at gmail.com on Fri May 21 12:00:01 PDT 2010

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 20:48, startx <startx at plentyfact.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 May 2010 12:34:43 -0600
> Shayne Wissler <wissler at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Don't say I didn't warn you:
>> http://digitaldaily.allthingsd.com/20100520/googles-royalty-free-webm-video-may-not-be-royalty-free-for-long
> err ... so what? What did you expect somebody whose whole existence
> depends on patents to say?
> i say let him "assemble his licence pool" ... people claimed they would
> do against theora for years, nothing happend. where is steve jobs
> magical license pool he announced recently.
> i think what MPEG-LA is _really_ afraid of is fighting it out and
> loosing ... FUD serves their purposes much better.

>If they actually set up such a patent pool, would they risk a lawsuit
>from Google? Damaging a public image through falsehoods is libel.


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tom sparks


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