[theora] (no subject)

SAHANA DEVARAJU sahanadevaraju at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 13:33:59 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I am working on Libtheora. I have built the libtheora, libogg and libvorbis
static libraries in vc++6. I'm testing the encoder for theora.
I'm running tests on the encoder_example and i get the following errors in
command prompt.

stbench.exe -v 10 -o chk.ogv god.wav example.y4m-1
File god.wav is 16 bit 1 channel 11025 Hz RIFF WAV audio.
File example.y4m-1 is 384x288 25.00 fps 420 video.
Could not set keyframe interval to 64.
Internal Theora library error.

Appreciate all your help.

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