[theora] Theora logo master

Felipe Portavales Goldstein portavales at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 20:14:17 PDT 2008

Maik Merten just mentioned today in the #theora irc channel the need
of having a new theora logo, and he pointed this link to the current
theora logo:


I was wondering to try to draw a new logo. But using a happyer fish :-)
So I just draw two sketches,

Actually I like the fish and film idea. So I draw this idea.
And another sketch with just the fish, but with a plastic fancy look,

I draw both using inkscape.

See it here:


 On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 1:11 PM,  <xiphmont at xiph.org> wrote:
 > On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves
 >  <justivo at gmail.com> wrote:
 >  > Since nobody else replied, I guess I will.
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >  On 3/26/08, Karel Kulhavy <twibright at hispeed.ch> wrote:
 >  >  > I would like to ask if it's possible to display Theora logo at
 >  >  > http://ronja.twibright.com/sw.php
 >  >
 >  >  I'm not sure it's possible to use the logo in such a page, because it
 >  >  would give the impression that Xiph advocates that software, which
 >  >  would go against the BSD library that the Theora code is made
 >  >  available under.  This is speculation as I'm no lawyer and I don't
 >  >  know the details of trademark law.
 >  Actually, we just like people to ask, and we generally encourage using
 >  the logos as a mark of support.  The phrasing has more to do with
 >  discouraging companies from doing anything fraudulent with the logos
 >  (eg, advertising broken support or the like).
 >  Unlike the other codes, we never really finished a logo for Theora
 >  that we all liked.  We've used the generic fish and the fish-on-film
 >  but it was never official enough to have a master.  But we probably do
 >  have a high res or vector version somewhere.
 >  Ivo: We should bring this up at tomorrow's Theora roadmap meeting.  I
 >  have a plan :-)
 >  Monty
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 Felipe Portavales Goldstein <portavales at gmail>
 Undergraduate Student - IC-UNICAMP
 Computer Systems Laboratory

Felipe Portavales Goldstein <portavales at gmail>
Undergraduate Student - IC-UNICAMP
Computer Systems Laboratory

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