[theora] More information on GSoC project

saulgoode at flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com saulgoode at flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com
Sat Apr 5 06:13:24 PDT 2008

Quoting Nuwan Millawitiya <millawitiya at gmail.com>:

>       I am interesting to do this project. I am a student of computer
> science & engineering.  Nowadays I am working with theora codec to optimize
> the theora codec for narrow bandwidth conferencing.  According to Saul's
> and Ivo Emanuel Gonçalve's reply, this is an interesting project and it is
> very useful.
>       According to the Saul's reply, this can be done. (But I never worked
> with the code of GIMP).
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves <justivo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks to Saul for a great response.
>> I was the one who added that project idea.  Some back story:
>> Last year, I used GIMP for a job and found a video encoding option.  I
>> was pretty disappointed that one of the big free software projects
>> considered it more important to support non-free video than our
>> Theora.
>> I asked around in the GIMP IRC channel, and the response was "we don't
>> care about Theora.  no one uses it.  if you'd like to provide a patch,
>> we may accept it"[1].   Of course I don't know enough about GIMP and
>> the GAP component to do it myself, so I have been looking for a
>> programmer willing to do it.  With no success.
>> I threw in the idea in the proposed projects for GSoC to see if any
>> student would like to take over it, and I'm glad to finally see
>> interest.
>> Saul is clearly the one who can tell if this is feasable, but my idea
>> was to build a wrapper around png2theora.  So, I guess GIMP would
>> export all data to PNG first and then pass it through png2theora and
>> get a video file.
>> -Ivo
>> [1] actually their response was more rude than this.
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> --
> Nuwan Millawitiya

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