[theora] An idea for Theora Encoder Library

Luis Gonzalez ghempresa at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 05:25:11 PST 2007

Hi ,

Last days i did some tests with fast scenes clips to convert to Theora with 
ffmpeg2theora , i see a lot of squares in result Theora clips.

And i get an idea for Theora Encoder , i see that in ffmpeg2theora you can 
choose sharpness from 0 to 2 , and i think this is a feature of the Theora 
encoder library.

Well my idea is that the Theora library enconder implement something like 
Smart Sharpness Controller , in fast scenes encode Theora in Sharp mode 2 
(blur mode) and in static images or less speed scenes enconde in Sharp mode 
0 (the most sharp) or Sharp mode 1 depends of the video quality selected.

Horóscopo, tarot, numerología... Escucha lo que te dicen los astros. 

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