[theora] ogg movie out of png pics

All Pebre all.i.pebre at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 01:30:08 PDT 2006

Hi Ralph,

thanks, that did the trick.

I just post here the lines I use to do the final thing:

mkfifo -m 660 stream.yuv ;
mplayer "mf://*.png" -mf type=png:fps=$PFS -vo yuv4mpeg:file=stream.yuv ;
encoder_example -o $hlim.ogg stream.yuv

It's quite impressive! The avi movie was over 15MB and the ogg movie just 3MB!

And it's open ;)

$FPS and $hlim because it's part of a general script where I can
select the frames per second and final name interactively

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