[theora] questions questions questions

Ulrich B. Staudinger us at die-horde.de
Wed Aug 13 03:20:49 PDT 2003


ok. i am pretty new to this list, but there seems to be little activity 
at all.
first of all, here is a screenshot:
http://greenthumb.jabberstudio.org/video.png  - it's screenshot of my 
buddy list in my jabber client (java based).

I have a simple (or not so simple) task to achieve:
stream the video from one end through the jabber server to another end 
and show the stream in my buddy list. i can grab with some native code 
images from /dev/video0, grabbing from vfw://0 should be no big deal, 
either. I don't need 30fps - 5 fps are more than sufficient.

1) Can i use theora already to encode my video stream?
2) Can i use theora to decode my video stream and get a single image 
from the api which i can draw somewhere (in java into my buddy list)
3) can i use something as a proxy? i heard rumors of icecast2 ...

All hints, suggestions are welcome!

best regards,

Ulrich B. Staudinger
email: us at die-horde.de
jid: uls at jabber.org

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