Hi guys,<br><br>My name is Adir. I'm a Google Summer of Code student, and in addition to that I will be working both with <a href="http://Xiph.org">Xiph.org</a> and with OLPC on optimizing Theora's performance.<br>
<br>I'm in the list to get a shiny B4, but at the moment I can't do anything since sending the laptop to my place involves some difficulties. Until I get the laptop, I would like to hear from any of you, XO users and testers, to let me know about your experience with Theora in it. If you didn't test Theora on an XO and you own one, I will also appreciate your tests.
<br><br>I was wondering, if you made any tests:<br><br>1) Did you use any testing environment? some kind of "convert to/from theora" service<br>2) What did your test file include? Link to such files (if you have any) will be great
<br>3) How many minutes did encoding/decoding go?<br>4) What was your XO? (B1/B2/etc.).<br><br>In addition to that, any detail which you feel like is worth sharing regarding your experience with Theora and XO together, will be very helpful (what worked, what didn't, what was slow, what was fast, what was broken, etc.). Your info here is highly appreciated.
<br><br>Thanks and regards,<br><br> Adir.<br> <br>