[theora-dev] Block Coding Pattern

Mike Melanson melanson at pcisys.net
Thu Feb 20 19:29:20 PST 2003

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Dan Miller wrote:

> >        Spec? I didn't know anyone else was working on a spec of the algorithm, too.
> A formal spec is slated for the upcoming Beta release (I'm the lucky volunteer on that).  The bitstream is still in flux, so if you're working up something based on Alpha it may need tweaking.  Perhaps we should discuss joining forces?

        Sounds like a great idea. I have been studying VP3 rather closely
the last few weeks (in between other multimedia-related activities). I'm
quite confident that I have a good grasp on the decoding process and have
been jotting down many notes as I have gone along. The end goal is to come
up with a coherent document and be able to re-implement the decoder (and
eventually the encoder) in ffmpeg based on the document.

	-Mike Melanson

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