[theora-codecs] VP3 playback problems

Wolfram Humann whumann at web.de
Thu Jun 26 03:42:56 PDT 2003

Hope this is the right place for VP3 codec usage questions. Please tell me if it is not!

Problem: No smooth playback

CPU: Athlon 1200, Graphics: Matrox G450, XP Home
Codec Version:
Video Resolution: 688 x 560, 25 fps

After great test results in c't magazine (Germany) I decided to dump DivX and try VP3 instead. I used the "VP3 Codec for Video for Windows Installer" from http://www.xiph.org/~mauricio/ and had no problems with the installation. Encoding in VirualDub also works without problems. (With 2-3 fps it's slower than expected though.)

During playback, however, the CPU load goes to approx. 100% and the video plays "as fast as it can" -- which is slower than real-time -- up to the next keyframe and then skips the missing frames at every keyframe. Obviously this looks terrible! Questions:

- Is an Athlon 1200 really to slow to playback VP3 in (almost) DVD resolution? I do not have this problems with other codecs.
- Does the codec have any settings that might help me? E.g. something to get lower playback quality for lower CPU load.
- Are there any system setting I should look at? E.g. I checked the DirectX problem report and it reported no problems.
- I read somewhere that older versions of VP3 are less resource demanding during playback. Is that true? Are older versions still available somewhere?
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