All,<br><br>Let me preface this by saying I've done some searching online for related info and I'm kind of stuck and looking for advice. Not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask but here goes...<br><br>I'm trying to run a filter on a
speex audio stream that will do minor changes like raise the pitch or
change the gain. I'm good with java so I've been looking at jspeex, but know very little about sound
manipulation. My goal is to find/write a piece of code that will take a talking
voice (a speex-encoded stream) and change it such that it is still
understandable but sounds different.<br><br>Any ideas of how best to get this working? Is there an existing piece of
open-source code that would help accomplish this? I'm looking
to use/build something that can perform this transform in an automated
fashion (no UI interaction needed).<br><br>If you have any suggestions that
would be great.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Andy<br><br>