hello <br><br>i use the java lib jspeex from <a href="http://jspeex.sourceforge.net/">http://jspeex.sourceforge.net/</a><br><br>now i use this java code to encode to speex <br><br>audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(srcFile);<br>
AudioFormat srcFormat = audioInputStream.getFormat();<br>AudioFormat targetFormat =<br> new AudioFormat(SpeexEncoding.SPEEX_VBR8 ,<br> srcFormat.getSampleRate(),<br> -1, // sample size in bits<br>
srcFormat.getChannels(),<br> -1, // frame size<br> -1, // frame rate<br> srcFormat.isBigEndian());<br>AudioInputStream audioInputStream2 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(targetFormat,audioInputStream);<br>
<br>this works great but how can i use Vad and Dtx <br>any ideas how i can use this options in my programm ? <br><br>i hope this is the right place to ask because the jspeex mailinglist is dead <br>any hints are welcome <br>
thx and best regards arnold<br>