Hi,<br>I am new to speex and I am trying to use the sample program given in the speex document.<br>I have made some modification to that sample, so that input can be read from a file and the output can be re-directed to the file.
<br>I tried to encode an audio file using the sampleenc and decode the same by sampledec.c I am able to do it successfully, but when i try to play the output file from the sampledec.c, i am able to hear only some noise.<br>
<br>Is it possible for me to encode a sample.wav file to encoded.spx using sampleenc.c and decode it using sampledec.c and store the output in a output.wav and play it using aplay? Will I be able to do the above?<br>Please help me, I am new to speex. If i am wrong please correct me.
<br><br>Thanks & Regards,<br>Saravana Kumar<br>