<font size="2"><font color="#550055">>> /* FIXME: This VAD is a kludge */<br>>> .. and it shows (or hears?) unfortunately. I've run a few tests with it<br>>> with my users, and they complain that it misdetects too often... In both
<br>>> directions. Non-speech is detected as speech more often than before, and<br>>> more important it also doesn't detect speech as good as before.<br>>> I'd really like to see this "fixed" in some way before
1.2.<br><br></font>>OK, it's good to have that information. I'll try to fix that before 1.2.<br><br>>Jean-Marc<br><br>How about the VAD issue now?<br><br>I'd like to check and fix it but don't where to start.<br><br>
Could you give some clues?<br><br>Lianghu<br></font>