Hi list !<br>
I'm Patrick, a french student.<br>
i am developping a kind of softphone for pocket PC using speex.<br>
Sorry in advance for my bad english.<br>
Till now, i had good results, but now i've a problem with encoding.<br>
so to summarize, here is a short description of my work : <br>
I'm working on pocket pc<br>
I'm developing a GUI in C#<br>
I'm developing a dll in C++ which use speex functions<br>
I capture audio from microphone using windows wave API.<br>
For it, I fill several buffers of 20ms, 160 samples.<br>
When the first or one of this buffer is full, a callback is called by wave API.<br>
So, at this moment, i want to encode this audio data. (and write them in a file)<br>
But apparently, it's to slow, and consequently, all my data are not written.<br>
I've read some topic about that, and i guess i need to use the fixed-point stuff.<br>
I tried to use speex_encode_int(...) instead of speex_encode(...) <br>
but i have the same result when i read my file : no sound.<br>
I tried as well to change quality and complexity, and i have same bad result.<br>
My program work correctly if i don't encode the data, i get a perfect sound.<br>
So my problem is the encoding ...<br>
So my question is, <br>
how can i use fixed-point instead of floating-point ?<br>
(maybe i need to specify "--enable-fixed-point" but how can i do that on VS2005 ? )<br>
Thanks a lot for your help.<br>