Hi all,<br><br>I'd like to know how well Speex handles multiple input streams. More specifically, if i have 4 streams that are playing at "the same time", how well does the CODEC handle switching from one stream to the next to process the audio.
<br><br>The reason i ask is this....My project up until now uses the MELP CODEC which didn't specifically have the ability to handle multiple streams. I'd give the CODEC a packet to process from Stream #1, then i'd give it a packet from Stream #2 and just keep cycling through my different input streams. The problem was that MELP used a lot of global variables for state information (basically to bookmark the audio information of that packet) and the end result was a lot of clicking since it's saved bookmarks were not correct since i changed streams on it. I had to remove every single global and move them to a class that i wrote so that each stream would have it's own set of globals to bookmark audio in.
<br><br>If speex is not subject to this type of problem that would make me very happy. If it works similar to MELP and i have to remove all of the globals myself again, i'd like to know in advance.<br><br>Thanks in advance,