[Paranoia] error correction methods

Sam Ashley samfwd at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 8 02:44:02 PST 2014

Is there a description anywhere of exactly what cdparanoia does when it's trying to deal with scratches on a disc?? I mean that I'd like to understand how it determines that something is an error, and what steps it takes to correct those.
I ask because I've always felt a bit paranoid myself ;-) about using it with some of my own work, because I make a lot of pieces that sound a lot like white noise(!) strange as this may sound, and I've often wondered whether the error detection might falsly decide that something is a scratch when it's really just a random moment in a soundfile full of random moments :-).
I asked this one time here a long time ago, but the only answer I got was from a well meaning person (sorry, I forget his name) who simply declared that "no, it won't interpret noise as a scratch" but without any explanation. The explanation I would be very interested in, if I may ask. I should add that sorry, but I'm not a programmer so reading the source code probably won't suffice unless it's really heavily commented (I haven't checked on the assumption that it probably is not).
I've done searches for this info but have never come across anything that describes what steps it takes exactly, unless I've just misunderstood.

Thanks a lot!! And for a nice program!
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