[Paranoia] Resets while ripping

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Sat Jun 16 15:41:33 PDT 2012

Arnd> The CD spins at constant speed, and the read head works it's way
Arnd> from the center to the edge, which means the read bandwidth
Arnd> increases. Depending on the quality of the CD pressing, the
Arnd> flatness of the CD, etc. there comes a point where the reading is
Arnd> not reliable anymore, and the drive switches to a lower
Arnd> speed. That switch causes the pause.

Does the drive switch on its own?  Or does the kernel have any control
over that?  CD drives seem to be strangely independent and self-willed

Arnd> I think that's another issue altogether. I have this problem
Arnd> occasionally with older power supplies which are too weak for huge
Arnd> modern HDDs. If this happens to your external drive it will cause
Arnd> a pause as well, though not for the reasons stated above.

I think this may be the more likely issue with the USB drive.  I'll look
into alternative power arrangements, thanks for suggesting that.

Ian Zimmerman
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