[Paranoia] Non MMC compliant ripping Qs

Peter Jones pjones
Tue Jul 6 08:41:49 PDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-07-03 at 12:40 -0400, Karl Heller wrote:

> How well does cdparanoia  do DAE on non MMC compliant drives compared
> to EAC, etc?  I'm a Unix geek so using EAC is out of the question.

I haven't tried anything on non-unix in a very long time, so I can't
give a very good comparison.  In general, though, any case where
cdparanoia can't read audio correctly using a supported drive and an
undamaged CD is a bug, and will be fixed if at all possible.

> I typically use a Plextor PX-1210S for DAE.  I noticed that it along
> with my PX-8XCS, and PX-20TS don't support MMC.

As far as I can tell from a quick search with google, these are MMC
drives... what have I missed?

> Now, I have a stack (7) of toshiba 5401Bs but they have MDI firmware
> on them.  CDParanoia can't get them to read audio at all.

I can't find any docs for the 5401B -- the earliest listed in Toshiba's
documentation is the 6401.  6401 looks like it should work, but that's
just from reading the documentation, and I've got no idea how closely
related they are to the 5401.  Any chance you know more about the 5401?

Also, what kernel version are you using, which distribution, etc?  Can
you show me a log of the output?

> So I guess this is a basic question in the ways that rippers in general
> extract audio and why some drives can and other's can't (be they MMC
> compliant or not).

Some drives have commands to read audio, some don't.  It's really about
that simple.


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