<div dir="ltr">Hi I am Rupesh from India. I have a huge directory of size 93.5 gb with 8500 mp3 files and 2000 sub directories.<br><br>All
these mp3s are speeches recorded by someone at 64 kbps. I want to
compress these files recursively to opus using lame or another tool with
16 kbps bit rate and 11050 sample rate.<br><br>I have compressed the
above huge directory with above options using ffmpeg and the resulted
destination directory size was 29.5 gb and the quality was not good.
Then I thought instead of compressing to mp3 it is better to compress
and convert to opus.<br><br>I have compressed some mp3 files to opus
recursively with foobar2000 and lamexp(a gui front end for lame) and the
resulted opus files were satisfactory. <br><br>The quality of opus file
generated is much higher than mp3 file generated using same bitrate and
same sample rate. The quality I mean there are less sounds like shhh
garrrr and other electronic sounds.<br><br>So I have decided to compress and convert all these mp3 speech files to opus. <br><br>I
have examined some tools like ffmpeg,lame,foobar. lamexp tool is taking
much time to convert and foobar is taking very much less time to
convert. I want to maintain high quality in resulted opus files I mean I
want a tool which can take maximum time and produce good opus file.<br><br>Can
anyone of you suggest which is the best tool to convert and compress
mp3 files recursively to opus. Please try to suggest 3 options I mean at
8kbps,16 kbps, 24 kbps with the corresponding sample rates which are
perfectly suitable. Also suggest how to reduce noises if any in resulted
opus files.<br><br>I think that there is no player for opus files in
android and if you know any please suggest the best one possibly which
can play files in folder view.<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Rupesh.</div>