<div dir="ltr">Hello,<div><br></div><div>I'm following the directions that 'make check' gave me: to e-mail you log files.</div><div><br></div><div>I'm attempting to build opus on a raspberry pi zero w, which I think has more or less the original hardware as an original raspberry pi + WiFi.</div><div><br></div><div>I'm running a clean install of the latest version of raspbian lite. Note that lite has no gui, but also has less packages in general, so it might be missing something important for building opus.</div><div><br></div><div>I tried building opus twice. Well, it seemed like I succeeded in building opus twice, but both times the 'make check' tests failed.</div><div><br></div><div>Time one I downloaded the tar.gz for 1.1.4.</div><div><br></div><div>./configure gave the following output:</div><div><br></div><div><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0)">------------------------------------------------------------------------
opus 1.1.4: Automatic configuration OK.
Compiler support:
C99 var arrays: ................ yes
C99 lrintf: .................... yes
Use alloca: .................... no (using var arrays)
General configuration:
Floating point support: ........ yes
Fast float approximations: ..... no
Fixed point debugging: ......... no
Inline Assembly Optimizations: . No inline ASM for your platform, please send patches
External Assembly Optimizations:
Intrinsics Optimizations.......: ARM (NEON)
Run-time CPU detection: ........ ARM (NEON Intrinsics)
Custom modes: .................. no
Assertion checking: ............ no
Fuzzing: ....................... no
Ambisonics support: .............no
API documentation: ............. yes
Extra programs: ................ yes
------------------------------------------------------------------------</pre></div><div><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">It appeared to build ok, but 'make check' failed. The log is attached as gittest-suite.log</pre><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">I then cloned the git repository and built from that. I had to install git, autoconf, and libtools with apt-get.</pre><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">I ran both autogen.sh and ./configure with the --enable-fixed-point flag. I wasn't sure which one took that argument.</pre><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">./configure gave the following output. Once again it seemed to build ok, but 'make check' failed. I've attached that as gittest-suite.log</pre><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">------------------------------------------------------------------------
opus 1.2-alpha2-38-g43db562: Automatic configuration OK.</pre>
Compiler support:
C99 var arrays: ................ yes
C99 lrintf: .................... yes
Use alloca: .................... no (using var arrays)
General configuration:</pre><pre style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><pre style="user-select: text; top: -99px;">Floating point support: ........ no
Fast float approximations: ..... no
Fixed point debugging: ......... no
Inline Assembly Optimizations: . ARM (EDSP) (Media)
External Assembly Optimizations: ARM (EDSP) (Media)
Intrinsics Optimizations.......: ARM (NEON)
Run-time CPU detection: ........ ARM (NEON) (NEON Intrinsics)
Custom modes: .................. no
Assertion checking: ............ no
Fuzzing: ....................... no
Check ASM: ..................... no
Ambisonics support: ............ no
API documentation: ............. yes
Extra programs: ................ yes
------------------------------------------------------------------------</pre></pre><div><br></div>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature">Samuel Bearg<br>(617) 816-2835<br>DNA Medicine Institute<br>727 Massachusetts Ave.<br>Cambridge MA 02139</div>