<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Yes. As a test, I renamed config.h to config.h.old and the compiler issued 25 errors stating that it could not find config.h.<BR></DIV>
<DIV style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt"><BR>
<DIV style="FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 13px"><FONT size=2 face=Tahoma>
<B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></B> Jean-Marc Valin <jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca><BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> Mike Hooper Hooper <mihooper@bellsouth.net><BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Cc:</SPAN></B> celt-dev@xiph.org<BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Tue, July 6, 2010 7:35:31 PM<BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></B> Re: [CELT-dev] V0.8.0 Problems<BR></FONT><BR>Are you sure you've also compiline with HAVE_CONFIG_H, i.e. did you <BR>check that your config.h actually get included?<BR><BR> Jean-Marc<BR><BR>On 10-07-06 07:16 PM, Mike Hooper Hooper wrote:<BR>> Jean-Marc,<BR>> I have a few more that could be similar:<BR>> In celt.c, in celt_decode_float, in the return statement<BR>> "*return* celt_decode_with_ec_float(st, data, len, pcm, frame_size,<BR>> *NULL*);"<BR>><BR>> ...my compiler says<BR>><BR>> "argument
of type "float *" is incompatible with parameter of type<BR>> "celt_sig *restrict" libcelt80/libcelt celt.c line 1888 1278457880500 9106<BR>><BR>> However, in my config.h file I have :<BR>><BR>> * *<BR>><BR>> *#define* DISABLE_FLOAT_API<BR>><BR>> * *<BR>><BR>> *#define* FIXED_POINT<BR>><BR>> Did I miss a #define somewhere?<BR>><BR>> thx<BR>><BR>> Mike<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>> *From:* Jean-Marc Valin <<A href="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca" ymailto="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca">jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca</A>><BR>> *To:* Mike Hooper Hooper <<A href="mailto:mihooper@bellsouth.net" ymailto="mailto:mihooper@bellsouth.net">mihooper@bellsouth.net</A>><BR>> *Cc:* <A href="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org" ymailto="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org">celt-dev@xiph.org</A><BR>> *Sent:* Tue,
July 6, 2010 7:04:42 PM<BR>> *Subject:* Re: [CELT-dev] V0.8.0 Problems<BR>><BR>> Hi Mike,<BR>><BR>> Thanks again on that other bug. It turns out that on most platforms<BR>> "celt_int32" is the same as "int" so the compiler doesn't complain.<BR>> Unfortunately, I haven't found any way to test for these kinds of issues<BR>> that happen only on 16-bit platforms and I've had to rely on people like<BR>> you compiling on such platforms. Let me know if you find anything else.<BR>> This one is now fixed in git.<BR>><BR>> Thanks,<BR>><BR>> Jean-Marc<BR>><BR>> On 10-07-06 06:22 PM, Mike Hooper Hooper wrote:<BR>> > Jean-Marc,<BR>> ><BR>> > I wish I could take credit for finding the bug, but I'll have to give<BR>> > credit to my compiler....:)<BR>> ><BR>> > Let's now take a look at this code in bands.c<BR>> ><BR>> > "
quant_band(encode, m, i, X, Y, N, b, spread, tf_change, lowband,<BR>> > resynth, ec, &remaining_bits, LM, norm+M*eBands[i], bandE, 0);"<BR>> ><BR>> > My compiler says:<BR>> ><BR>> > "argument of type "int *" is incompatible with parameter of type<BR>> > "celt_int32 *" libcelt80/libcelt bands.c line 951 1278452093812 9084"<BR>> ><BR>> > I'm not exactly sure where the problem is. Can you see it?<BR>> ><BR>> > MikeH<BR>> ><BR>> > -----Original Message-----<BR>> ><BR>> > From: Jean-Marc Valin [mailto:<A href="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca" ymailto="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca">jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca</A><BR>> <mailto:<A href="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca"
ymailto="mailto:jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca">jean-marc.valin@usherbrooke.ca</A>>]<BR>> ><BR>> > Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 6:00 PM<BR>> ><BR>> > To: Mike Hooper Hooper<BR>> ><BR>> > Cc: <A href="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org" ymailto="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org">celt-dev@xiph.org</A> <mailto:<A href="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org" ymailto="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org">celt-dev@xiph.org</A>><BR>> ><BR>> > Subject: Re: [CELT-dev] V0.8.0 Problems<BR>> ><BR>> > Hi Mike,<BR>> ><BR>> > Indeed, you found a bug! I missed it because the symptoms you saw only<BR>> ><BR>> > occurs in fixed-point with compilers that don't have var arrays or<BR>> ><BR>> > alloca(). It's fixed in git now. For now (commit b6a5f9), the git master<BR>> ><BR>> > branch is
bitstream compatible with 0.8.0. I'll probably issue a 0.8.1<BR>> ><BR>> > bugfix release after we fix any remaining problems you have.<BR>> ><BR>> > Cheers,<BR>> ><BR>> > Jean-Marc<BR>> ><BR>> > On 10-07-06 04:52 PM, Mike Hooper Hooper wrote:<BR>> ><BR>> > > Tim, et al,<BR>> ><BR>> > > I have run into several problems with V0.8.0. I will address them<BR>> ><BR>> > > seperately.<BR>> ><BR>> > > 1. My compiler is complaining about the following code in celt.c which<BR>> ><BR>> > > seems to define metric first as celt_word32, then as celt_word16. Am I<BR>> ><BR>> > > mis-interpreting something?<BR>> ><BR>> > > VARDECL(celt_word32, metric);<BR>> ><BR>>
> > ALLOC(metric, len, celt_word16);<BR>> ><BR>> > > Thx<BR>> ><BR>> > > MikeH<BR>> ><BR>> > ><BR>> ><BR>> > ><BR>> ><BR>> > ><BR>> ><BR>> > > _______________________________________________<BR>> ><BR>> > > celt-dev mailing list<BR>> ><BR>> > > <A href="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org" ymailto="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org">celt-dev@xiph.org</A> <mailto:<A href="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org" ymailto="mailto:celt-dev@xiph.org">celt-dev@xiph.org</A>><BR>> ><BR>> > > http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/celt-dev<BR>> ><BR></DIV></DIV></div></body></html>