[opus] STM32 - Two channels

Andy Wood andyw999 at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 1 16:40:32 UTC 2023


I have Opus working successfully for a long time on an STM32F407 with I2S audio from a Wolfson codec.

The latest Opus release is in use.

Now I wish to use two independent codecs.

So I duplicated all the initialisation routines with separate encoders and decoders and tried it.

The two encoders seem to work together with the first decoder but the second decoder does not.

My impression is that there is some interaction between the two encoders.

When using the second decoder there is quite often a Hard Fault PRECISERR  in celt_decoder.c at opus_custom_decoder_ctl()



         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);

         if (value<1 || value>st->mode->nbEBands)  <<< here

            goto bad_arg;

         st->end = value;


But the second decoder returns OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR quite often too.

I would like two independent codecs as each channel has to be sent to different places.

Any ideas of how to do it otherwise would help.

The project is written in STM32CubeIDE.

I can put the project in Dropbox - I do not know if links here get scrubbed.



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