[opus] Fixed point modules in floating point

Vega G vegag7799 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 18:46:38 UTC 2017

 Thanks for info.

I just  rename Makefile.unix to Makefile without running configfile to
generate Makefile.

By default , FIXEDPOINT macro  disabled .
For fixed point , I just enable FIXED POINT macro in the given makefile.

For both cases , encoder using VAD.c which is implemented in fixed point
and multiplication macros defined in macro.h .

While debugging I came to know  I that All operations are in fixed point .
Nothing is mapped to floating point when FIXEDPOINT macro disabled.

All variables are also mapped to Opus int for both cases.

Do I need to enable or disable any other parameters to run VAD in floating
mode ?

Please let's me know


On 3 Nov 2017 11:31 p.m., "Jean-Marc Valin" <jmvalin at jmvalin.ca> wrote:

> On 11/03/2017 05:48 AM, Vega G wrote:
> > I was testing floating point  Opus encoder. But it's calling few
> > functions which are implemented in fixed point . I tried to find
> > corresponding floating point functions in source. But not available.
> > Please help me on this.
> The same code does both fixed-point and floating-point. If you define
> FIXED_POINT, then the macros and types operate on fixed-point.
> Otherwise, they all map to floating-point.
> Cheers,
>         Jean-Marc
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