[opus] [PATCH 2/5] Optimize fixed-point celt_fir_c() for ARM NEON

Linfeng Zhang linfengz at google.com
Wed Sep 28 16:45:38 UTC 2016

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the speed testing and patch.

Yes, I agree that it makes sense to reuse xcorr_kernel_neon() in
to save code size.

For non-SMALL_FOOTPRINT, (1710-1695)/1710 = 0.88%. Maybe it's worth to
have celt_fir_neon()

However, considering that now celt_fir() is disabled by default, it's up to
you if this patch (and the previous one) should be skipped. Let me know and
I'll rebase all following patches which are based on them.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Timothy B. Terriberry <tterribe at xiph.org>

> Timothy B. Terriberry wrote:
>> and use that. I wrote a simple patch demonstrating this (attached... it
> Err, actually attached this time.
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